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CultureofMadeInItaly – 1519b2i behind the scene of Italian Beauty

Month: December 2021

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  • The years of Leonardo at the Pope’s court

The years of Leonardo at the Pope’s court

If it is true that Leonardo has been the only one among the tree great not to be called by pope Giulio II in that crucial 1508, it’s also true…

1513 -1516 : Leonardo a Roma

Se è vero che Leonardo fu l’unico dei tre a non essere chiamato da Giulio II in quel fatidico 1508, è altrettanto vero che Leonardo visse a Roma e visse…

Spazio e tempo: questione di fisica o di filosofia?

Qual’è la relazione tra fisica e filosofia? ” Tempus absolutum, verum, & mathematicum, in se & natura sua sine relatione ad externum quodvis, aequabiliter fluit.” “Spatium absolutum, natura sua sine…

Time and Space: a matter of Science or of Philosophy?

Which is the relation between physics and philosophy? The general relativity of Einstein is the result of maths only or of the dialog between Science and Philosophy in the struggle…

Why do we dress up?

How many times when we were children our parents told us “dress up properly, we are going to grandma” and the same thing was happening for Sunday events or for…